Upcoming Events

Events Calendar

to Feb 25

2023 Annual Festival of Native Arts

Word to the wise – Festival of Native Arts is completely free to join. In recent years we have had some spamming action which encouraged our viewers to go to an unaffiliated site and purchase tickets. Don’t do this! You will never have to pay to enjoy Festival events.

Sign up to be a vendor, volunteer or sponsor: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSev5erujNVVCPGci0sHM4YhQAWybCG6nICBVGl_Mn24Oy1I5A/viewform

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Elders Night

Elders Night

Healy Lake Elders Night! You’re invited to the Healy Lake Tribal Council Office for nourishment for your mind, body and spirit. Elders will receive a phone call with an invitation for further details.

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Upper Tanana/Fortymile Fish & Game Advisory Committee Meeting

Upper Tanana/Fortymile Fish & Game Advisory Committee Meeting

A copy of the full agenda, minutes from the previous meeting, and other materials will be posted to this Online Public Notice (http://notice.alaska.gov/209080) prior to the start of the meeting. Minutes and audio recordings will be posted to archived meeting notices, which can be found on the Upper Tanana Fortymile Advisory Committee's website: https://bit.ly/UT40AdvisoryCommittee.

Join the meeting online: https://bit.ly/UT40dec13

(full link for SOA employees: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/84336438846?pwd=emhUWVhJVVk1YnZ2bFhIWjBXVW9kZz09)

Dial in: (669) 444-9171

Meeting ID: 843 3643 8846 

Passcode:  UT40 

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to Nov 20

Communities for Immunity Elders Project

The Healy Lake Village Council is bringing elders together to hear the stories of the epidemics they have experience as children and the stories told by their parents about the suffering and challenges presented during an epidemic. Their stories and their voices must be heard if we are to learn from the pass and develop a direction for navigating the current pandemic we are in. Please join us for this two day event at the University of Alaska while we tour the archives, listen to their stories, and come together.

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Culture Camp
to Aug 11

Culture Camp

Culture Camp is going to be an amazing opportunity to learn traditional, cultural and environmental skills that impact our native way of life!

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Annual Meeting

Annual Meeting

The Annual Tribal Member Meeting & Election will be held at the Tribal Hall in Healy Lake on July 10th. We are looking forward to seeing all of you as we meet together and vote on our upcoming Council Members. Lunch will be provided. We are providing transportation for anyone that wants to attend. Please contact Lena at (907) 251-6871 for more information or to make travel arrangements.

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